Senin, 30 September 2013

Principles of Cooperatives

Principles - Principles of CooperativesSome principles - the principle of cooperation is obtained from various sources , as follows :1 . Principle according Munkner Hans H. Munkner extracted 12 ditunkan cooperative principle of the general idea of ​​variable 7 as follows :• 7 variable general idea :
  1. Self-help based on solidarity ( self -help based on solidarity )
  2. Democracy ( democracy)
  3. capital strength are not prioritized ( neutaralited Capital )
  4. economy ( Economy )
  5. Freedom ( Liberty )
  6. Justice ( Equity )
  7. Advancing social life through education ( Social Advancement Through Education )
• Cooperative Principle 12 :
  1. Membership is voluntary ( Valuntarily membership )
  2. Membership is open ( open membership )
  3. Developing member ( Member Promotion )
  4. Identity as the owner and customers ( Identity of the co - owners and customers)
  5. Management and supervision of democratic management ( Democratic management and control )
  6. Cooperatives as a collection of people - people ( Personal Cooperation)
  7. Capital relating to the social aspects are not shared ( indivisible social capital )
  8. Economic efficiency of cooperative enterprises ( Economic efficiency of the cooperative enterprise )
  9. Voluntary association ( association Valuntarily )
  10. Freedom in decision-making and goal-setting ( Autonomy in the goal setting and decision making)
  11. Distributor will be fair and equitable outcomes - economic results ( fair and just distribution of economic result )
  12. Education member ( Member Education )

2 . According to the principles of Rochdale ( Rochdale Equitable Pioneers ' s )Principle - the principle of cooperation and the nature of rochdale according to its original form :

  1. Democratic oversight ( Democratic Control )
  2. Membership is open ( open membership )
  3. Interest on capital is limited (a fixed or limited interest on capital )
  4. Distribution of net income ( SHU ) to members proportionate to the respective services - each member ( The distribution of surplus in dividends to the members in proportion to their purchases )
  5. Entirely with cash sales ( Trading strictly on a cash basis)
  6. Goods - goods sold must be genuine and not faked ( Selling only pure and Unadulterated goods)
  7. Neutral to politics and religion (Political and religious neutrality )
Principle - the Rochdale cooperative principles are the foundation further cooperative work :
  1. Purchase of goods for cash
  2. Selling price equal to the price of local market
  3. Good quality stuff , scales and correct size
  4. Payment of interest on capital is limited
  5.  Profits divided by the number of purchases
  6. Part of the profits are used to reserve funds for education , and the social fund
  7. Membership is open to the public , neutral on religion and politics

3 . Principle according to RaiffeisenRaiffeisen principles are as follows :

  1. Non
  2. Limited working area
  3. SHU for backup
  4. Responsibility is not limited to members
  5. Administrators to work on a voluntary basis
  6. Effort only to members
  7. Membership on the basis of character , not money
To the capital of Raiffeisen cultivate the owners of capital with very low interest . Grounding and ways of working adopted by FW Raiffeisen is :
  1. Farmers accustomed to saving
  2. Lack of oversight of the use of credit
  3. Membership is restricted to be between members can get to know each other and can work together well
  4. Management by the members and not be rewarded
  5. Net profits belong together
Credit union operatives and Rural Basnk which became known as the Raiffeisen Bank 
4 . Principle according to SchulzeTo establish credit unions or Bank Savings Credit is the way :
  1. Buy shares to become a member
  2. Raise capital from the junction that would give her money as capital
  3. Limit for short-term loans
  4. Establish work areas in urban
  5. Hire the managers
  6. Divide the profits to members
Herman Schulze developed suburban areas ( urban ) . Herman Schulze core principles are as follows :
  1. Non
  2. SHU for cadanan and for distribution to members
  3. The responsibility of members is limited
  4. Administrators work with get rewarded
  5. Not limited effort not only to members
  6. According to the principle of ICA ( International Cooperative allience )
5 . ICA ( International Cooperative Alliance ) established in 1895 is the highest organization of the cooperative movement in the world .In Chapter IV of Legislation NO . 12, 1967 to discuss the principle of joint and cooperative basis , where it was said that the cooperative principle is familial and kegotong - royongan , sednagkan the basic joints koperasdi of which included voluntary membership , distribution of net income is set according to the individual - each member , interest on capital restrictions and so on , which all this by ICA categorized as Cooperative Principles. ICA Session in 1966 formulated the principle - the principle of cooperation , broken down as follows :
  • Membership cooperative openly without any restriction made - for ( Open and voluntarily membership)
  • Leadership that democracy on the basis of one person one vote ( Democratic control - one member one vote )
  • Capital received bunag limited , and even then if there is ( Limited interest of capital )
  • SHU divided into three :
  1. Most of the backup
  2. Most of the people
  3. Some to be distributed back to the members in accordance with their services - each
  • All cooperatives must implement continuous education ( Promotion of Education )
  • Cooperative movement should carry out close cooperation , both at the regional , national , international maupu ( Intercooperative network )
6 . Principle - the principle of cooperative Indonesiao According to the Act - Act 12 Yahun 1967If seen from the history of legislation - Indonesian cooperatives invitation , since Indonesia's independence there were four laws - laws regarding cooperatives , namely :
  1. Legislation No. . 79 of 1958 on cooperative societies
  2. Legislation No. . 14 of 1965
  3. Legislation No. . 12 of 1967 on the main points of cooperatives
  4. Legislation No. . 25 of 1992 on cooperatives
Principle - the principle or joints - joints cooperative basis under law - No. . 12, 1967, are as follows
  1. Its membership is voluntary and open to any citizen of Indonesia
  2. Member Meeting is the highest authority as a reflection of democracy in the cooperative
  3. SHU division is set according to individual services - each member
  4. Interest on capital restrictions
  5. Develop the welfare of its members in particular and society in general
  6. Businesses and ketatalaksanaannya is open
  7. Self , swakarta , and self-sufficiency as a matter of basic principle of self -confidence
o According to the Legislation No. . 25 of 1992Principle - the principle according to Legislation No. . 1992 25 Article 5 and the current in Indonesia is the cooperative principle is as follows :
  1. Membership is voluntary and open
  2. The management is done in a democratic
  3. The division of the balance of the ( SHU ) was fairly comparable to the size of their business services - each member ( the member's share of the cooperative )
  4. Provision of fringe benefits to the limited capital
  5. Self-reliance
  6. Education cooperative
  7. Cooperation among cooperatives
sources :1 . .3 . . E -book Univ . Gunadarma

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