Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Tugas Kelompok Koperasi Bahasa Inggris

Nama Anggota Kelompok ;

1.      Siti Rahmawati                 (27212083)
2.      Rizky Aulia                      (26212597)
3.      Cici Ivana H                    (27213724)
4.      Grace Elizabeth Z            (27213767)

Observations on the website and some take COOPERATIVE PERSADA MANADI

Cooperative Type   : SAVINGS and LOAN
Legal Entity No.     : 024/BH/XIII.23/X/KUKM & PERINDAG/2008
Address                 : Jl . No. Shooting Kingdom . 18 , Cibubur
Branch                   : Branch Cibubur ( East Jakarta )
Phone                    : (021) 87716353

Directorate loan is one of the business units of KPM. Directorate of loans is an integral part of the savings and loan business unit KPM. Given the volume and complexity of work, the unit diisahkan loans from savings and loan business units into a loan directorate headed by a director loan.

to date the loan directorate already run its business activity quite well. Recorded approximately 15,000 customers are getting loans disbursed a total ceiling of 30 billion rupiah.

The existence of these loans directorate very well received by members, prospective members and the general public. This is related to the financing needs of businesses and the need to increase consumption.


"Making directorate loan car loan into a business unit of reliable, professional, profitable, and beneficial to members, prospective members and the general public."

"Making directorate loans as a major contributor to the KPM in profit."

Organizational Structure Directorate Loans
In running a business loan is absolutely necessary qualified human resources capabilities, experience and high integrity. It is associated with the trust on which the loan approval decision.
Keywords business management of loan consists of two things :
      1. Management of Risk ( Risk Management )
      2. Sales Management ( Business Management )

To run both the KPM has highly experienced HR support in implementing the sundry business loans instituted microfinance banking.
The organizational structure is designed based on the needs direktirat loans and effectiveness of work so that the achievement of performance targets can be met .
1.      Director of Loans
Ferry Kurniawan , practitioners of risk management and business management micro- banking.
2.      Department Head
Yilva , micro- banking risk management practitioners .
3.      Risk Management Head
Richardo Augustine , micro- banking risk management practitioners .
4.      Business Head
Hanafi Djoedjoe , practitioners of business management & risk management, micro- banking.
5.      Credit Review
Hendrik Virdaus , micro- banking risk management practitioners .
6.      National Collection Head
Defi Wahyudi , micro- banking risk management practitioners .
7.      Internal Control
Eko S.Wijaya , internal audit practitioners micro banking .
8.      Sales Support
Jayasampurna , micro banking business management practitioners .
9.      Administration Head
M. Lutfan S.W , legal practitioners micro banking officer .

Key Performance Indicators

In business loan then there are indicators to measure success , indicators are as follows :

1.      Achievement of sales targets
2.      Achievement of quality targets loan
3.      Achievement of profit targets
4.      Achievement of Audit Rating
In carrying out its business activities directorate KPM loan holding on to that provision.


The success of running a business loan can’t be separated with the monitoring or supervision to all employees of the loan .
Monitoring or supervision of all activities conducted on employees in terms of sales , maintain loan quality , the achievement of profit targets and discipline employees .
Business loans are vulnerable to potential financial mistakes made ​​by managers. It is therefore absolutely necessary supervision and must be carried out strictly and discipline .


Integrity or intefritas is consistent attitude between the values ​​and principles of action. In ethics , integrity is defined as honesty and truthfulness of one's actions .
The opposite of integrity is hipocrisy ( hypocrisy or hypocritical ) . A is said to " have integrity " when its conduct in accordance with the values ​​, beliefs , and principles which he held ( from various sources ) . Because the management of the loan is based on confidence (trust ) then becomes absolute consistency uphold the integrity of the managers. Ethical values ​​that must be held in the management of the loan is honesty .
Unit Savings and Loans Cooperative Persada Madani provide working capital financing , partnership relationships with borrowers , with the goal of small traders who require additional capital . Civil Microfinance is one loan product with ceiling system , to facilitate the traders meet venture capital ,loan services is calculated daily .
      a    Ceiling on loans up to Rp . 5,000,000 , -
      b    Without Collateral
      c    Term loan 5 months .
      d    Terms of loan application :
      - Have an effort to settle with daily earnings ( cafes , shops , etc. )
      - Copy of ID card borrowers ( husband / wife )
      - Pas 2 pieces 3x4 sized photo ( husband / wife )
      - Copy of KK (family card ) and marriage certificate

Members financing Deposits
Credit and savings products provided to participants who already has a value of deposits formed with the following provisions:
   o   Loans amounting to 70 % of the value created .

Members Funding Pledge
Mortgage loans are loans with collateral valuables , such as gold , etc.

Member Savings Participation or Prospective Members

USP Cooperative Investments conducts Persada Civil Deposits Deposits funds in the form of futures , Investama , and Multipurpose and providing financing to the merchants who had become a member / prospective member as defined in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia regarding cooperatives and government regulations on the implementation of activities Savings and Loans Cooperative effort by. USP Cooperative Persada Madani intermediation role as an institution between a potential Indonesian society with the aim to be achieved into civil society .

Mitra Madani term deposits

Partner Savings Program Saves Time Madani is in remission Cooperative Persada Madani is a one-time savings for the period of 1 ( one ) year or six (6 ) months .

Benefits :
o   For the concomitant savings results can be taken or given to concomitant savings each month or on maturity of deposits .
o   Train Members / Prospective Members for investment with Competitive advantage .

Facilities :
o   USP Cooperative Officer Civil Persada will serve the inclusion of transactions deposits liking broadcaster candidate deposits , either at home or office nearest branch USP Cooperative Persada Madani , started filling up the application with an accompanying certificate of deposit issuance of securities .
o   Payment for the results or payment expires concomitant savings account can be transferred to the broadcaster .
o   Host deposits may request a bank draft for the Civil Persada Cooperative profit sharing and savings deposits expired .

requirements :
o   Copy of ID card / SIM
o   Fill out application and pay the cost of the stamp and certificate of 25.000 , - ( Twenty Five Thousand)
o   Large Deposits Minimum Rp . 5.000.000 , - ( Five Million )

Deposits Futures Investama
Product is Persada Cooperative Savings deposits Madani period of 5 years , and the end of the period of the deposit will be paid 200 % of the initial deposit , in addition to the savings during concomitant savings life insurance protection .

Benefits :
o   Assist financial planning for members or prospective members in order to set up a fund for the future benefit and optimum benefits .
o   At the end of the concomitant savings deposits to be paid at 200 % of the initial deposit .
o   If concomitant savings in time deposits dies , the beneficiary will get insurance compensation amounting to 5 times of the initial deposit .

Illustration Futures Investama :

Initial Deposit Amount : 100,000,000 –
Period of Deposit : 5 Years

Total Deposits
Death Benefits
1 83.000.000 500.000.000 583.000.000
2 118.000.000 500.000.000 618.000.000
3 140.000.000 500.000.000 640.000.000
4 172.000.000 500.000.000 672.000.000
5 200.000.000 500.000.000 708.000.000

Requirements to Become Host Deposits:
     1.      Photo ID Card Copy
     2.      Filling Persada Civil Applications
     3.      Deposit a minimum of Rp. 5.000.000, -
     4.      The administration fee of Rp certificate. 25.000, -


Persada officer Madani deposit transaction process will serve as desired candidate / member concomitant savings, transactions can be conducted at a residence candidate / member or the branch office nearest Cooperative Persada Madani, ranging from charging application until the issuance of Certificates of Deposits Host.

Multipurpose Savings Plus
Multipurpose Plus program at Persada Madani is the best solution for financial planning in the future as well as providing protection to the participants of unexpected events 

A few Multipurpose Plus Program benefits are:
o   If concomitant savings deposits completed until expiration, to him shall be given appropriate funding of the table below:
Period Deposit
Each Year
Each Month
Out of funds
5 Th2.400.000216.00014.510.00010.000.000300.000/ hr
6 Th2.000.000180.00016.096.00010.000.000300.000/ hr
7 Th1.714.286154.28617.473.42910.000.000300.000/ hr
8 Th1.500.000135.00018.769.25010.000.000300.000/ hr
9 Th1.333.333120.00020.334.00010.000.000300.000/ hr
10 Th1.200.000108.00022.408.00010.000.000300.000/ hr
o   If concomitant savings in time deposits dies , the heirs are given compensation :
          1.      100 % Compensation insurance if regular dies
          2.      200 % Compensation insurance if accidental death
          3.      Savings returned
o And if the concomitant savings unfortunate accident and result in :
   1 . Awarded 100 % permanent disability insurance benefits and partial disability when compensation is paid in accordance with the severity of the disability .
    2 . Deposits broadcaster hospitalized , given the cost of hospitalization of Rp . 300.000 , - per day for 10 days per occurrence .

Requirements to Become Host Deposits :
1.      Photo ID Card Copy
2.      Filling Persada Civil Applications
3.      Deposit a minimum of Rp . 5.000.000 , - per month
4.      The administration fee of Rp certificate . 25.000 , -

Facilities :
o   Officer Civil Persada deposit transaction process will serve as desired candidate / member concomitant savings , transactions can be conducted at a residence or office the candidate nearest Cooperative Persada Madani , ranging from charging application until the issuance of Certificates of Deposits Host .

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